Quotes of the week
"Foreign policy is not a commodity, it shouldn't be traded and compromised on a whim. We need a solid contract with the world."
"Canada's stake in the future should be based on increasing our commitment to internationalism, the rule of law, and a world society based on mutual respect and celebration of diversity: i.e. the internationalism of the Canadian Cultural Mosaic."
"Canada's interests are prosperity, security, and a sense of independence. Our interests align closely with those of the U.S., and therefore, we should have a foreign policy similar to the American one. We can pursue our sense of independence by asserting a differing view from the Americans when it doesn't affect our security or prosperity."
"It is important that Canada be seen around the world as a nation that can make decisions for itself and not just kowtow-ing to US or multinational business interests."
"Everything depends on peace. No economic prosperity, no exchange of culture can occur if there is not peace. We must present not a pacifist policy, but one that will bring peace. We must have the willpower and the means to bring peace conflict zones."
"As Canadians we should support the building of a multilateral peace keeping force within the United Nations that does not include a Security Council with individual countries having veto powers. This force should have a mandate to protect individuals, not countries."
"Broader security measures, such as combatting environmental degradation, global poverty, climate change, affect the whole world, and therefore should be a concern for every government."
"Inequality = insecurity."
"Canada must have the political will and ability to intervene on behalf of those who cannot protect themselves. This is a fundamental obligation behind the concept of our stated policies of Human Security."
"Canada must strongly support international agreements promoting the protection of the environment. I think we should focus specifically on agreements protecting biodiversity. Yes, we should promote the economy, but with respect for the environment."
"The primacy of international law and diplomatic negotiations in multilateral organizations is the key to security, not only for Canada, but for the entire world."
"The Commonwealth and La Francophonie provide an obvious channel through which Canada can play an important role in assisting the growth of African and Asian countries and secure new ties for future Canadian economic diversification."
"While it is good to remain engaged within the UN, we must not subordinate our foreign policy to the lumbering inability of the organization."
"Our military should be used for peacekeeping initiatives only. I am proud that our troops are involved in rebuilding Afghanistan and not in this horrific war in Iraq."
"We must not tie our hands and say that the only time we will act will be with UN authority - just because the UN is incapable of reaching a principled decision (Bosnia, Rwanda, Iraq, et al) does not mean that action is not justified."
"In combat, our forces have shown that they possess a valour and degree of professional competence that far exceeds our national commitment to their welfare, in that they are embarrassingly underfunded."
"In light of recent world events we should concentrate more on Canadian/North American security before we deploy all our troops in peacekeeping roles."
"Fair trade, respect for international standards of human rights, and the protection of the natural environment should always govern international trade."
"The objective of foreign policy should always be to raise the standards of our trading partners, rather than lowering Canadian standards to meet theirs."
"Globalization spreads itself, and spreads it's own benefits. Trade is almost always a good thing."
"We should cultivate new partnerships with all countries in the world not based on the values espoused by the various 'team Canada' missions of economic self-benefits, but on values of mutual respect, increase cultural mutual knowledge."
"We should leave the future of our economic relations to entrepreneurs."
"Canada must be assured that the control it exercises over education and health must not be compromised by international treaties. The culture of a people is disseminated principally through education and it is unacceptable that education could become a commodity negotiated in the FTAA or another multilateral organization."
"We shouldn't presume that the accident of our wealth makes us wiser."
"In order to claim the moral high ground in our international relationships, we must secure our commitment to these ideals at home: We must practice what we preach."
"We must promote to the world the value of secular democracy throughout the world and actively seek the end to any and all non democratic regimes."
"Encouraging in our children the interest, understanding and respect for the many cultures and experiences that make up the peoples of Canada is a strong investment in Canada's commitment to sharing our own past and culture around the world through a process of mutual respect and interest."
"We absolutely cannot ignore the suffering and privation of others and continue to think of ourselves as moral and civilized. Whatever the cost, the price for not advancing the cause of human rights and dignity and protecting the natural environment is sacrificing our own identity and what we believe we stand for."
"Film, song, theatre and visual arts are all original calling cards. The artists represent our peaceful, multicultural, respectful and welcoming society. Promotion abroad of art produced by Canadians is a non-invasive way do showcase our society."