Experts Interviews
Expert Interviews - Netcasts
View leading experts discuss elements of major themes of the Dialogue discussion paper. Use these resources to help you answer the questions posed in the paper.
Experts on Security
The events of September 11, 2001 showed that not even the world's strongest state is immune to sudden terrorist attack. As governments everywhere focus more intently on their citizens' security, Canada too must consider how to counter military and non-military threats both at home and abroad. These threats require us to consider international security cooperation, Canada's own military security and a range of non-military security issues.
Experts on Prosperity
Promoting the prosperity of Canadians and of the global community is an integral part of Canada's foreign policy. Our country's economic prosperity is tied to a world economy undergoing unprecedented growth and market integration. Developing within the framework of international trade bodies such as the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and its successor, the World Trade Organization (WTO), our economy today is among the world's
richest and most open, with a high proportion of our prosperity dependent on international trade and foreign investment
Experts on Values and Culture
Canada's foreign policy agenda must reflect the nation we are: a multicultural, bilingual society that is free, open, prosperous and democratic. The experiences of immigrants from around the world and the cultures of Aboriginal peoples are woven into the fabric of our national identity. Respect for equality and diversity runs through the religious, racial, cultural and linguistic strands forming our communities.