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Participant: vvvvvvv
Date: 2003-04-08 10:27:04
If they would really have these chemical stuff they would use it these hard times of the war.
If they do not use it now - why they produce it at all?
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Participant: Barretm82
Date: 2003-04-08 10:56:01
The leadership of Saddam wanted to use it, but due to a lot of "work" and the "convincing" of the troops on the ground not to use the WMD, the weapons have not being used.
Do keep in mind; the country is not entirely out of Saddam's hands, so we will stay vigilant against WMD.
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Participant: fatmomma
Date: 2003-04-08 22:13:07
Where did you get that information from Barrett. If Iraq had or wanted to use the WMD; they would have. They wouldn't wait and talk to the enemy first. Admit the truth; Iraq was not in possessions of the great store of WMD that Bush and Blair claimed; There was no proof; that is why The "coalition" members produced several fraudulent "proofs"
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Participant: Barretm82
Date: 2003-04-11 15:04:32
Sorry Fatmomma, You are on some sort of crusade and not honest debate. If you ever come clean then I will consider replying to you. As I have done in the past.
I will post this link, I think given the fact that Saddam may still be alive, it is a valid for my response.
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Participant: 1254
Date: 2003-04-08 18:02:57
Nazi Germany never used WMD: know why? They were too afraid of retaliation. Same with Iraq. One Nerve Gas bomb, and kiss Baghdad goodbye. Learn some history before posting.
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Participant: Barretm82
Date: 2003-04-08 19:19:31
I think your talking about not using chemical weapons on civilians; Germany did use chemical weapons on the battle fields. I think they didn't use chemical weapons on civilians, but I could be wrong.
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Participant: Fleabag
Date: 2003-04-08 21:43:53
Actually, Barret, you have it backwards. The German Military never used chemical weapons on the battlefield, only in the extermination camps. Zyklon B was, in effect, a WMD. Their actual production of battlefield WMD's such as Tabun, outstripped British production, but they did not ever use it on the battlefield. Partly it was the fear of retaliation, for the Brits were using a new kind of terrorism, the mass killing of civilians through bombing, and also Hitler was the victim of gas warfare in WWI, so he himself did not want to see that kind of history repeated.
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Participant: Barretm82
Date: 2003-04-09 10:37:47
Yes you’re right, I have been pressed for time in the last two weeks, I didn't realize my error untill after I quickly posted. (no darn edit in this forum!!) /joking/
Thanks for clearing that up Fleabag. :)
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Participant: Barretm82
Date: 2003-04-09 10:53:17
---Just to add, as I gave it further thought. This is the error I made. In WWI Germany used chemical weapons on the battle field but not on civilians.
---In WWII, Germany used chemical weapons against civilians but not on the battle field.
That's where I should have been clearer. Would you say that is correct fleabag? (Thanks)
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Participant: Fleabag
Date: 2003-04-10 23:07:02
Yes, that would be more correct. Barret. I myself, have been guilty of writing too quickly, and I never proofread myself, so often I only see my mistakes after they have been posted. That's life, I guess. We can't ever say 'time out' in life, for time marches on with or without us.
WWI was the last real war where WMD were used as a matter of course, without fear of 'war crimes' charges. In WWII, WMD were also used, but the user's side won, so no charges could ever be brought to bear. Mustard Gas was also used in Ethiopia by the Italians just before WWII, but this was never brought before the Nuremberg trials. A sad oversight, I think.
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Participant: codc01
Date: 2003-04-09 02:51:33
From what i know, the Germans used chemicals on the battlefield during WWI only...
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Participant: codc01
Date: 2003-04-09 02:49:49
Ahhh... so if a country uses WMD's, the other countries are also allowed to use WMD's... Cool!
You should also learn some history... We don't live in 1945 anymore...
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Participant: fatmomma
Date: 2003-04-10 23:01:15
No defense and they kissed Baghdad goodbye. WMD are not exclusively Chemical. The Americans use of cluster bombs is very irresponsible. They may not yet be banned but should be. There was some indication the the Americans may have used napalm bombs which are banned. I have no proof but I hope this will be investigated.
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