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Contributor: Jim_Poushinsky
Date: 2003-01-30 11:09:19
I think Canadian foreign policy should include Preservation of the Earth's Environment as Pillar #4. It is insufficient to regard the survival of life on our planet as merely a subsection of our cultural values. It needs to be front and centre as a guiding principle in both foreign and domestic government policy.
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Contributor: Bhushan
Date: 2003-01-30 21:38:52
I agree, a sustainable environment is a primary global foundation we hare.
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Contributor: Fleabag
Date: 2003-02-13 21:05:34
Consumerism dictates development. The real power has ever lain in the hands of the people. It is the media's job to direct the consumer. The only path to change this is if the consumer starts to dictate policy through one's own actions. Corporations will have no choice but to comply with the wishes of the consumer, therefore, the more responsibly a consumer shops, the more responsible corporations will have to become.
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Contributor: 1419
Date: 2003-04-25 02:10:45
Canada is in a blessed position where our country is so large and varied with such a small population that we could truly set an example of sustainable development for the world to marvel at. But this would be domestic policy rather than foreign policy. Unfortunately, most other countries are populated with humans tripping over each other everywhere you turn. Although I would favour such a 4th pillar, it would be challenging for a country whose people are priveleged and have so much open space to be able to credibly relate sustainable development to countries where their people have so litte space.
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Contributor: Fleabag
Date: 2003-02-12 19:26:09
I agree with you very much, the corruption of our environment is happening at an ever faster rate, simply to fuel consumerism. Environmental groups are considered to be nothing more than a nuisance because they do not serve the profit motive.
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Contributor: jmasse
Date: 2003-04-08 09:51:39
Je suis tout à fait d'accord avec cette vision. Le développement durable met l'environnement, la culture, et l'économie sur un même pied, alors que l'environnement est beaucoup plus fondammental. L'air et l'eau, ça n'a pas de prix! Il faut participer et promouvoir la conservation de l'environnement à l'échelle planétaire et au Canada.
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Contributor: Lion2003
Date: 2003-04-24 10:56:11
Je ne suis pas d'accord
Le pillar numero 4 est la bonne sagesse populaire Le canada Planne dans hauteur il ne voit pas ce qui se passse sur le terrain Moi je voyais tout mais personne ne veut ou ne peut m'écouter je suis l"empecheur de danser en rond
A qui l'argent du revelopement Se Poser la question c'est y répondre C'a sert aux entreprise Candienne en premier. Comme m'ont dis les Planteurs A qui je demandais Les ONG ont fait quoi pour toi
Rien m'a til répondu. Cest un cris du coeur Cette réponse Je parle pour tous les sans voix,La femmes qui pleures Je la consolle Mais les imbéciles sont au pouvoir c'est ca le probleme ou est la solution Il faut travaiiletr sur les solutions Les solutons sont multiple Mais tout celas dois etre rentable rentable pour le pays hotes de notre solicitation C'est simple Rentabiliter =Durabiliter d'abord exercer une activiter rentable Comme la coupe de bois Comme la mise en sachet du mais Pop Corn. Je peux vous en sortir 200 projets quiu vont faire le vrai développement.
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Contributor: 1265
Date: 2003-04-09 14:32:39
I agree with the environmental respect as pillar 4. Or it should be closely integrated with the one that is presently called 'prosperity' but that in reality should be called something like 'respect'. Respect of nature, respect of our fellow being (human and not).
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Contributor: Fleabag
Date: 2003-04-12 01:09:28
The Golden Road To Enlightenment begins with the realization of where you are.
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Contributor: Fritzpat
Date: 2003-04-12 15:54:22
Ça serait bien si notre armée, dans le désir qu'a le canada de sensibiliser le monde à la protection de l'environnement et à sa préservation, avait pour but justement de restaurer les sites et pays pollués et dévastés par les catastrophes naturelles où autres...
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Contributor: Jibongo
Date: 2003-04-18 22:14:48
I particularly like your point, Jim, about Environment being "front & centre". It could & should be an important check on excessess in the other 'pillars'. But I also wonder if 'pillars' is the proper term to use. They sound more like 'goals' to me. Three pillars should be enough to really stablize any policy. But one should be our overall objective: world-wide peace & justice. One should be the resources involved: our planet & the life upon it. And one should be our method: respect for & encouragement of responsible self-directed behaviour directed toward peace & justice.
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