Participant: kcowan
Date: 2003-04-17 13:14:49
Every society develops a set of rules or a code of acceptable conduct. Anyone wishing to participate effectively in such a society must adapt to their rules. This applies especially to conducting business in other countries.
Canadians have been especially good at this because we observe and respect the local rules. We get in trouble when we are not mindful of the underlying rules. In other words, we adapt to their rules. The same in true with interventions on the political level. If anyone is out-of-touch with the local rules, eventually there will be insurrections of some type.
The more diverse the culture, the more difficult it is to govern effectively. I would suggest that it takes a Muslim to effectively run a Muslim country. Of course, there are other attributes, but the long term stability will depend on the degree of synchronicity and simpatico of the rulers with their people...Keith
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