Participant: cfallon
Date: 2003-04-15 11:32:08
I would like to know what Chinese Canadians would think of your respect for the communist regime.
My brother-in-law's father paddled an inner tube to Hong Kong to escape the regime and no one in that family would agree with your statements. But that's just anecdotal.
China's economy is the size of Canada's. I think China is a LONG way from catching the US. But, is catching the US a bad thing? Even for the US? I don't think so.
For now, any gains in the Chinese economy will not hurt the US, rather it will hurt Central and South America as these regions produce a similar range of products at higher labor costs. For example, labor in El Salvador is about twice that of labor in China - mainly because you can't hire 6 year olds in El Salvador.
Any shift to China in trade terms hurts people we don't want to hurt.
China is isolationist only because it wants to reserve the right to crush protestors with tanks.
There is nothing benign in China's isolationism.
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