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Contributor: Barretm82
Date: 2003-03-16 11:13:55
I don’t know how politically viable this is or if it would be received wrongly but I’ll float the idea.
Would it be prudent for Canada to pledge a $20 million dollar emergency aid fund for the Iraqi people as a contingency if war should happen? Then appeal to the top 25 countries in the world to match our fund. Contributors could register/donate and be given recognition on a Canadian government website.
That would provide ½ billion dollars up front for water & medicinal supplies, I wouldn’t be overly concerned about food in Iraq. However, if a war didn’t happen then these resources would be turned over to some other humanitarian cause.
Just a quick thought, I haven’t considered how it would be received politically though or what unforeseen implications it may have.
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Contributor: codc01
Date: 2003-03-16 15:07:53
Now?? Absolutely not! That means you would accept that Iraq will be attacked no matter what!! International law *must* prevail (even if it will not in this case).
Once the war is over, that is another story, the Canadian government should strongly condemn the attack on Iraq without UN approval, and then should think about funding the reconstruction.
The UN General assembly should vote on a motion condemning the attack on Iraq if its not approved by the UN... Maybe Canada should even consider presenting this motion to the general assembly (but it would be better if another country did it instead, since i think the US would not be very happy with us!!)
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Contributor: cfallon
Date: 2003-03-17 14:00:11
Until all governments are democratically chosen and represent the will of its citizens, "international law" is meaningless.
Until the UN is made up of governments who represent their citizens, it is meaningless.
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Contributor: Deidden
Date: 2003-03-17 21:01:23
The U.S., U.K. and Australia don't seem to be listening to their constituents... hardly sounds democratic to me... I say we invade them too. ^_^
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Contributor: fatmomma
Date: 2003-03-17 21:53:50
Lots of democracies are corrupt and do not do as the citizens want. Best example right now;Blair joining Bush in declaring war without UN sanctions when 85 - 90 % of Britains disagree.Bush"s actions are not democratic. The majority of the UN wanted to continue with the weapons inspectors; He blames France for the UN not coming to an agreement when he and Blair are the one in a minority. Where's the democracy there? If a countries citizens are not educated; they will not be able to function in a democracy. Sometimes a good monarchy or benevolent dictatorship is more fair and honest.
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Contributor: cfallon
Date: 2003-03-18 13:27:54
I agree that corruption must be dealt with.
Democracy does not mean that elected leaders do exactly what public opinion says at all times. Sometimes, even democracies nead leadership.
However, these democracies (USA and UK) will have every opportunity to change leadership peacefully.
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Contributor: fatmomma
Date: 2003-03-18 23:19:40
I hope so; if we all survive. But it may be too late; too much harm done. Dictatorship can be changed too, rebellions happen all the time; the people must be prominent in overthrowing their own corrupt governments. People tend to value and protect that which they earn. If they are not willing and strong enough to fight for change; they will not be strong and commited to protecting this change
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Contributor: codc01
Date: 2003-03-19 07:34:47
"If a countries citizens are not educated; they will not be able to function in a democracy. Sometimes a good monarchy or benevolent dictatorship is more fair and honest. "
I agree, with a lack of education, i think democracy is meaningless... Sometimes the leaders of a nation have
the knowledge necessary to make decisions which the general population might not understand fully because they do not know the facts.
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Contributor: jariax
Date: 2003-03-18 19:14:46
I don't know about you, but I'm not really keen on the idea of donating money to Haliburton and other US companies so that they can profit while rebuilding the nation that they encouraged the US administration to destroy.
At the same time, I'm not keen on leaving the mercy of the people of IRaq up to the USA. Perhaps if there was a way to ensure that the nations profiting from the reconstruction were not involved in the destruction, I would contribute.
Apparently the US has already shortlisted five candidates for the reconstruction. They are all American and once again Haliburton (Cheney's old company and major contributor to the Republican campaign) tops the list.
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Contributor: fatmomma
Date: 2003-03-27 00:29:05
Too late Jariax; Today I heard Cretien promise 100 million towards humanitarian aid to Iraq. Not thrilled about that either. The USA / Britain caused the problems and we pay for their destructive actions; doesn't sound fair to me. And yet the American Ambassador to Canada comes here and complains about Canada not supporting the USA in this war. I am fairly sure that is not acceptable behavior for an ambassador. They cause the destruction and we have to help in the restoration. I have noticed that it is our Canadian newspapers and tv stations that are obsessed with and promote this dissatisfaction with Canada's lack of support for the USA. I have only seen the front pages of American newspapers but never see any mention of Canada or their disapproval.
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Contributor: codc01
Date: 2003-03-27 06:47:49
So its not an illusion then? I've been reading both the National Post and Globe and Mail (on internet) and they both seem to have a bias towards the US in regards to Canada's position. For the National Post, its understandable (knowing their position), but I'm surprised by the Globe And Mail's position.
As for French Canadian papers, well they no longer offer freely their editorials online so i have no idea...
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