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Interview given by Prime Minister Jean Chrétien to ABC...

Contributor: codc01

Date: 2003-03-09 17:23:49

I also read the interview.

I think Mr. Chretien did a good job representing the views of the majority of Canadians. I totally agree with his opinion, especially the 'regime change' aspect.

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Interview given by Prime Minister Jean Chrétien to ABC...

Contributor: fatmomma

Date: 2003-03-09 18:53:23

Prime Minister Cretien did an excellent job of representing the Canadian point of view. I think his speech giving Bush and Blair credit for a job well done ensuring Iraq disarmed was a brilliant piece of diplomacy. It provides Bush/ Blair with a face saving excuse to back down from attacking Iraq. Probably futile but worth a chance.

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Interview given by Prime Minister Jean Chrétien to ABC...

Contributor: Barretm82

Date: 2003-03-10 13:26:42

Fatmomma, but we have to keep an eye on the objective. We must collect the Chemical and Biological weapons. If Saddam's 30,000 goons are sitting on them and will not turn them over then like any criminal gang we may have to police them, this will likely result in some type of force bring used.

If you think Saddam doesn't have any of these weapons, here is an interesting link. I believe it is accurate because all last week regular Iraqi troops have been surrendering.


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Interview given by Prime Minister Jean Chrétien to ABC...

Contributor: fatmomma

Date: 2003-03-10 23:32:34

That is what the weapon inspectors are doing. While Saddam is cooperating there is no logical reason to attack. Send in more inspectors. If the USA would pay its backbill to the UN it would be very affordable. You do not "liberate" a people by killing them.
Many of the American/British "proofs of WMD" have proven fraudulent including the other day the claim that Iraq was shopping for uranium in Africa 2 years ago was declared fraudulent by the UN and independent experts. I hadn't heard of any Iraq troops surrendering but if they are it is because they know they will be killed in an attack as they are poorly armed.

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Interview given by Prime Minister Jean Chrétien to ABC...

Contributor: Barretm82

Date: 2003-03-11 15:47:20

Fatmomma, I agree you don't liberate people by killing them.

Here is another link; I hope you read it. Just select it, then copy and paste it into your address window. Then click on go or press enter. It will take you to the news cast.


Snippet from story;

Land-war commanders have been devising procedures to make it possible for entire Iraqi units to signal the allies that they prefer to stay out of the fight. Units that indicate they intend to stay on the sidelines will be exempt from air and land attack and may not even be taken prisoner, allied officers say.

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Interview given by Prime Minister Jean Chrétien to ABC...

Contributor: AG

Date: 2003-03-17 22:09:51

It is a very sad day for human justice and democracy. Bush has dictated to the world that he and his entourage will continue to annhilate Iraq and its suffering people, paying no heed to world opinion, humanity or compassion. He claims Saddam is evil, but Iraq has not attacked the United States. It's the other way around. This war is about oil and we all know it. Saddam is not a threat to world peace. The United States is. They are the destabilizing force that will ultimately decimate any diplomatic efforts taken by any nation towards peace. I am glad that Canada has said no to the war. We must continue to step up as a humitarian nation and do what is right.

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Interview given by Prime Minister Jean Chrétien to ABC...

Contributor: cfallon

Date: 2003-03-18 16:28:15

Respectfully, I don't agree.

1) Oil is a major component of the war. IF we lift sanctions, and Saddam remains in power, then Saddam will use the ENORMOUS purchasing power that oil revenues generate for desctructive ends.
However, to pretend that the US will benefit grandly from "seizing control" of Iraq's oil is silly.

2) I don't think leaving Saddam to rape, torture and gas Iraqis is the "compassionate" thing to do.

3) The fact that Canada will act only if Syria, Guinea and Angola give us teh go ahead is nothing to make us proud.

4) Saddam is not a threat to world peace, but he is a threat to the US.

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Interview given by Prime Minister Jean Chrétien to ABC...

Contributor: fatmomma

Date: 2003-03-20 00:27:31

1 The UN had lifted sanction so that Iraq could sell enough oil to buy food. Sanctions can be limited
2. Killing innocent Iraqis is not the answer either
3. Canada will only agree if the UN agrees; never mind the small countries those that disagree on attacking while peaceful means (weapons inspectors) are proceeding with Iraq"s cooperation include: China, Russia, and France; a majority of the permanent 5
4. Saddam is at present not threatening world peace; The USA/Britain "coalition" in acting without the UN is destabilizing World Peace

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Interview given by Prime Minister Jean Chrétien to ABC...

Contributor: cfallon

Date: 2003-03-20 09:11:36


I respect your thinking and know your heart to be good. I think we all pray for peace.

I don't think China, Russia or France are honest brokers in the peace movement.

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