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Question 7: ProsperityHow should Canada take advantage of its location in North America to increase
prosperity while promoting our distinctive identity? |
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This seems like a curious question, given a world context to this questionnaire and our relative wealth. Surely we need to take care of the wealth we have, to protect our natural resources - but not trucking Toronto’s mountains of garbage elsewhere, so that out-of-sight is out-of-mind; not selling |
1794 |
2003-04-30 17:57:00 |
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We are an incredibly prosperous nation. Can we not ever be satisfied? The problem lies not in increasing our prosperity, it lies narrowing the steadily increasing gap between rich and poor, both in our own country and globally. Our distinctive identity should be based on cultivating a caring, co-ope |
1780 |
2003-04-30 17:56:47 |
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By being a true and honest friend; not an opportunistic partner who just wants to benefit from its friends. At times it may mean not agreeing with our friends on critical matters.It may also mean that economic interest may have to be secondary to political, social and humanitarian values. In the lon |
1778 |
2003-04-30 17:56:35 |
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NAFTA provides a forum for promoting Canada's prosperity. It also will offer an important, competetive counterbalance to the continuing expansion and intergration of the European Community. However, in keeping with Canada's values, it should use that forum to promote economic justice for t |
1774 |
2003-04-30 14:05:43 |
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There are several ways:
1. By using the multiethnic knowledge and talents of it citizens to become more globally, rather than
US minded.
2. By recognizing the special position Canada has in the world of being an underdeveloped first world
country. We have plenty of space, and need to start de |
1773 |
2003-04-30 13:55:17 |
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Prosperity can only be a global phenomenon if those
communities/countries that have amassed a large amount
of power and resources share them more equitably.
Canada’s commitment to encourage social equity within
the country should be translated into similar actions
abroad. The country’s identit |
baij |
2003-04-30 13:46:09 |
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It is important for Canada to maintain economic ties to the US. However, for the long term health and stability of our economy we should attempt to diversify our collection of trading partners, and foster economic ties with other nations. Canada should also use its information infrastructure and ed |
1766 |
2003-04-30 13:44:13 |
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Canada should immediately move to increase its foreign aid allocation to 0.75% of GNP. Then it should declare that at least one third of this new money be allocated to helping third world nations develop their democratic institutions. Civil society should become Canada's leading export. Right b |
1764 |
2003-04-30 11:55:35 |
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We must promote Canada to the US population who are brainwashed by the US Zionist owned/controlled news media. There are a lot of non-brainwashed Americans who want to bring civil liberties and freedom to the United States and get rid of the Bush Zionist Mafia. We have to invite all Americans, Alask |
1763 |
2003-04-30 11:26:14 |
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I'm not entirely convinced that increasing prosperity is a desirable end. Although the gap between the rich and poor is such a thrown about and hackneyed phrase, I think we should take advantage of our location to promote a lessening of this gap, and a more shared prosperity. There is no point |
1762 |
2003-04-30 11:26:01 | |