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Question 4: SecurityIn promoting the security of Canadians, where should our priorities lie? Should
Canada give a higher priority to military combat operations? To sectors such
as intelligence gathering and analysis? Or should we focus on broader security
measures, such as combatting environmental degradation and the spread of infectious
disease? What should be our distinctive role in promoting global security? |
Contributor: | 1871 |
Date: |
2003-05-01 09:40:08 |
Answer: |
As a whole, Canada's security is extremely poor. Years of degradation have a occurred in all sectors due to lack of funding, lack of political will and bureaucratic ineptitude.
A full defense review is required, either in conjunction with or based upon the results of this review.
Our military should be funded, equipped and trained to fight in various theatres and operations including medium intensity conflicts (war). This would remain in keeping with our self-proclaimed role as peacekeepers. It has been proven time and again by various nations and organisations that the best peacekeepers are well-trained soldiers. Even in the most stable missions, our soldiers are placed in harm's way. They need combat training and equipment to protect themselves, their allies and innocent civilians (including locals and aid workers).
Canada is not a war-like nation but neither should we shy away from future conflicts or support our allies with only token forces in support roles. If our interests lie in a certain area, then we must be willing to commit soldiers to the front-line.
As demonstrated by post-war Iraq, international politics is a poker game. If you don't ante-up, you won't be allowed to play. An ineffective military policy dilutes our international voice.
Amidst a climate of global interdependence, it does not make sense to stop our intelligence activities at our doorstep. CSIS needs a mandate to conduct operations both foreign and domestic. This should include increased ties and co-operation with other intelligence agencies, specifically but not limited to our closest allies. Interantional law enforcement agencies (i.e. INTERPOL) should have increased mandates and support as well.
Internally, we need to tighten our border controls (or as a minimum enforce them). Domestic intelligence practices need to be improved at the lowest level. This is as simple as improving and enforcing immigration/refugee screening and tracking procedures. Losing track of 350 000 refugee-staus claimants inside your own borders is unacceptable. |