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Question 12: Values and CultureWhat are the best means for Canada to make its culture and experience known
abroad? |
Contributor: | wdc |
Date: |
2003-05-01 06:34:35 |
Answer: |
In order to promote our culture, we must be clear about who we are and what we stand for. The hallmarks of our Canadian presence on this continent, that is, peace, order and good government, and concern for those in our society less fortunate must continue to be strengthened and promoted.
Initiatives that seek to aid and support a people, when intelligently and sensitively applied, and whether as basic as food aid or calling on the most sophisticated resources at our disposal, such as our capability in telecommunications, finance or law, will have far greater influence than material or militaristic might. Even so, it never hurts to make people aware of where such help comes from - the Canadian flag is one of the most recognizable icons in the world and should be promoted as a symbol of peace, cultural and religious freedom and acceptance. Again, educational programs for all people as the culmination of comprehensive aid support is the best way for Canada to promote its culture and experience abroad.