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Question 4: SecurityIn promoting the security of Canadians, where should our priorities lie? Should
Canada give a higher priority to military combat operations? To sectors such
as intelligence gathering and analysis? Or should we focus on broader security
measures, such as combatting environmental degradation and the spread of infectious
disease? What should be our distinctive role in promoting global security? |
Contributor: | 1868 |
Date: |
2003-05-01 02:36:08 |
Answer: |
I think the biggest threat to our security, whether it comes through terrorism, armed conflict or disease, is world poverty and the huge and growing gap between the rich and poor of this world. Such inequality can't help but breed anger and resentment. We can't expect to promote the idea of human rights without the poor realizing they have a right to a better life too, and that they are getting shafted. Extremism thrives in such situations. The absolutely best thing we can do for ourselves and everyone else is to share the wealth, and I mean in a big way. |