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Question 4: SecurityIn promoting the security of Canadians, where should our priorities lie? Should
Canada give a higher priority to military combat operations? To sectors such
as intelligence gathering and analysis? Or should we focus on broader security
measures, such as combatting environmental degradation and the spread of infectious
disease? What should be our distinctive role in promoting global security? |
Contributor: | 1863 |
Date: |
2003-05-01 01:29:08 |
Answer: |
We cannot have security when we are left feeling hopeless and helpless. The erosion of public services, of our enviornment, and our standards of living do not leave us feeling secure. We can scare people into feeling insecure when we tell them another country is a threat, (even though that supposition is false). However, the real insecurity people are feeling is when they are down-sized, layed off, injured, cannot find room in a hospital or have to pay for services they cannot afford. This is the immediate feeling of being cornered without hope. Your foreign policies do not do anything to help ease these real fears but, in large part, act to create them. I do not feel more secure because some security guard took my nail file out of my purse when I was lined up to get on a plane. Some people might, but I ask you, is that real security? On the other hand if I know my job is threatened because of government cut backs and many of my health benefits have been cut by the provincial government of the day, then I face real insecurity.
We must ask the question about whether being part of the US nuclear defense program or continental security program gives us more security than knowing we can feed and look after the immediate needs of our families. We can create fear in anyone if they hear a message long enough and consistently enough. I know what most citizens would choose!