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Question 1: The 1995 Policy Review and SinceWhich values and interests bear most fundamentally on Canada's foreign policy? How can Canada's foreign policy better reflect the concerns and priorities of Canadians? |
Contributor: | 1858 |
Date: |
2003-05-01 00:18:00 |
Answer: |
Firstly, our relationship with corporate America has become one of being subject to coercion and manipulation by their economic might. In simpler words;the self-interest of the globalist bankers and businessmen has left the working men and women of our once great Canadian nation licking their boot for economic favours.Canada's signing of the "Free Trade Agreement" has proven to be a but a 'Free Ride' for Corporate America while sending hundreds of thousands of former well-paid Canadian jobs south of the border.
We have witnessed the Canadian dollar become deflated,and our strong Unionized labour force has quietly been dismantled. For example, instead of milling and manufacturing our raw resources (such as logs for lumber and the furniture industry ...and ore for steel,appliances and the auto-manufacturing industries within Canadian borders) ... we have allowed big American business to relocate these manufacturing industries south of our borders. This NAFTA trade deal cost us the loss of jobs, tax revenue, and a quality of middle class life never to be equalled again. Imagine two of the wealthies provinces in Canada (British Columbia and Ontario) actually voting in an NDP government in order to creat a social safety net for the hundreds of thousands of middle class workers who were displaced by this free ride deal for the wealthy American corporations and those politicians who literally licked their boots in order to line their own pockets.
Yes, these world bankers and corporate elite may punish Canadians with economic sanctions if we do not support their military programs (which are created to bankroll, support, and protect corporate weapons manufacturers) However, I say enough is enough! These leaders are corporate crooks and bullies and I challenge our politicians to risk their careers,their fame,and their fortune to stop this selfish pursuit of corporate greed to create their New World Order.
What is this agenda offering the world citizens other than economic and military oppression so far? I challenge you to stand compassionately for world citizens ... like a Tommy Douglas, Mahatma Ghandi,or a Mother Theresa! Let us not carry on the tradition of bought and paid for politicians.
I say 'no' to "terrorizing the terrorist". I say 'no' to
further expenditures on military defense systems. Let us be like Switzerland and stand tall in our compassion for all nations and all world citizens. Sincerely Bill Woollam |