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Question 7: ProsperityHow should Canada take advantage of its location in North America to increase
prosperity while promoting our distinctive identity? |
Contributor: | 1849 |
Date: |
2003-04-30 22:16:22 |
Answer: |
Promoting a distinctive identity as a 'prosperity - based' goal may prove difficult. However, Canada should be seen to be, first of all, as a nation that abides by international trade law and committed to the enrichment of developing countries through effective free trade. We could indeed be very distinctive if we were to be seen to be permitting access of products from developing countries even at the expense of Canadian suppliers. The concept of comparative advantage should be encouraged. To be sure, we must ensure a legal and level playing field, but not prejudice suppliers purely on location or source.
We can also be seen to be responsible stewards of our natural resources in terms of both development and utilization. Environmental responsibility in production methods could permit Canadians to be seen to be world leaders in such technology, and indeed export it to others as we have, for example, mining equipment and know-how.
Being in North America and under NAFTA should permit access to the huge US market and henc the development of products otherwise not viable in a small Canada-only market. |