Question 10: Valeurs et cultureLe Canada doit-il continuer de promouvoir dans le monde les valeurs que sont les droits humains, la démocratie, le respect de la diversité et l’égalité des sexes? Si oui, quelles sont les meilleures façons de le faire? |
Participant: | 1934 |
Date: |
2003-05-01 22:47:53 |
Réponses: |
Although Western culture now perpetually advocates each person's individual "rights," it may be more effective to frame this policy in terms of "responsibility." We all have the responsibility to respect each other as human beings. Many non-western cultures do not emphasize what people are entitled to, but what their duties are. I think many of the Non-western nations resent us and are quick to see flaws in our culture because they feel that we do not respect them. We can't take a superior attitude, but at the same time Canada should not be so humble as to imply that our ideals are not values that should be shared by others. The key is to find common ground and work from there. If a country were to disagree that homosexuals should not be protected from persecution it might at least concede that they deserve a fair trial. In order to be able to engage in such debates Canada has to be upfront about its own shortcomings and deal with them as well. If we complain about sweatshops in other countries we had better be prepared to take action about our own, etc. or they will rightly see us as hypocrites.
Increasing the number of Canadians working and studying abroad and exchange/international students/workers seems the best way to create good relations with other countries. Student conferences are great but a more permenant & effective way to reach out is to increase the #of Canadian schools in other countries. This would help prevent problems such as those created by the madrassas(private religious schools indoctrinating radical Islam) in Pakistan and Afghanistan. |