Question 5: SécuritéComment les forces armées canadiennes peuvent-elles le mieux contribuer à la réalisation de nos objectifs en matière de politique étrangère? En se concentrant sur la défense nationale et continentale? En participant aux missions de combat dans le cadre de coalitions internationales? En contribuant aux missions de paix? Ou en s’acquittant de toutes ces tâches à la fois? |
Participant: | 1919 |
Date: |
2003-05-01 19:51:50 |
Réponses: |
Our role as peacekeepers is important, and so is the military's role in search and rescue. Our role in national defence should be largely symbolic. We should not be involved in "continental defence", for this is largely doing what the Americans demand. I do not feel that our security has been threatened by September 11, and we do not need to risk our rights and freedoms and sovreinty because Americans are paranoid. In particular, I would stress that we must not become involved in Bush's ludicrous missile shield project. |