Question 3: L'examen de la politique étrangère de 1995 et aprèsLe Canada appartient à un grand nombre d’organisations internationales,
y compris le G8, l’OTAN, le Commonwealth, la Francophonie, le Forum de coopération Asie Pacifique (APEC), l’Organisation des États américains (OEA) et le Conseil de l’Arctique. Convient-il d’intensifier notre participation à ces organisations ou de la réajuster? |
Participant: | 1914 |
Date: |
2003-05-01 18:50:11 |
Réponses: |
In light of NATO's recent transition from an alliance against Soviet threats to an alliance for launching unprovoked and unjust attacks, such as the 1999 bombing of Yugoslavia, Canada should reconsider its participation in NATO, and end this participation if necessary to avoid complicity in any future unjust attacks.
If you doubt that the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia was unjust, consider that the Rambouillet negotiations that could have avoided the bombing were clearly sabotaged by NATO. That is, NATO first demanded that the Yugoslavian Gov't accept virtual NATO occupation of the entire country, bombed the country when the Gov't predictably refused, and then dropped the demand after the bombing commenced. The bombing killed hundreds of Yugoslavian civilians, destroyed civilian infrastructure, and led to two waves of ethnic cleansing (first by the Serbs against the Kosovar Albanians, and then by the Kosovar Albanians against the Serbs and other non-Albanians).
Canada should not participate in any further NATO-led aggression.
--Kevin Shultz, London, Ont. |