Question 10: Valeurs et cultureLe Canada doit-il continuer de promouvoir dans le monde les valeurs que sont les droits humains, la démocratie, le respect de la diversité et l’égalité des sexes? Si oui, quelles sont les meilleures façons de le faire? |
Participant: | 1910 |
Date: |
2003-05-01 18:24:42 |
Réponses: |
Absolutely! Values such as human rights, democracy, respect for diversity and gender equality are exactly the sorts of values that we should try to advocate all over the world. In particular, we should work hard to encourage countries which repeatedly violate the rights of their citizens accountable for their deeds. A good example of a country which needs to be accountable is China. The Chinese state persecustion of the Falun Gong movement in China directly attacks tens of millions of people within China, and many more abroad, including Canadians living in Canada.
The best way to approach this is through developing and supporting resolutions dealing with such issues at the UNHRC. To use the same example again, China has long avoided being accountable for its sustained persecution of many of it's citizens, and it is our duty as global citizens to at least communicate to them, repeatedy, that what they are doing is wrong. Of course, this should be backed up with action on our part, such as trade limits etc. |