Question 1: L'examen de la politique étrangère de 1995 et aprèsQuels sont les valeurs et les intérêts qui devraient avoir le plus d’importance dans l’élaboration de notre politique étrangère? Comment la politique étrangère du Canada peut-elle mieux refléter les préoccupations et les priorités des Canadiens? |
Participant: | 1911 |
Date: |
2003-05-01 18:19:06 |
Réponses: |
Foreign Policy should reflect the innate character of Canadians that
is recognised around the world as civilized, educated, urbane and
humanitarian.If we are criticized for not being sufficiently agressive
so be it. It is wise that we should participate in those international
organizations that seek to promote our own ideals, notably the United Nations. We should recognize, however that the majority voting power in that bodyids held by underdeveloped Nations whose asperations and demands are driven by a lack of realism.
To this end, our accession to the U.N Treaty on Refugees should
be seriously reviewed. This Treaty was produced largely in recognition
that the USSR and members of its bloc did not recognize a right
to emigration and that many of thei citizens suffered serious
disabilities. That time has passed.Canada has become the main
objective of reputative refugees due to our generous provision of
welfare benefits. The Agreement requires that anyone reacing
our border that speaks the four fatal words "I am a refugee" must
be admitted, porovided with support and accomodation until their
case is determined, generally a matter of two years.
The result is a serious funancial strain on the resources of
Citizensip and Immigration and the preemption of a large part of
our stock of subsidized housing. From personal experiencre as an
Immigration Consultant I can vouch that all this is now taken for
granted and there is not much evidence of gratitude
In another area, the NAFTA Agrrements in which Canada joined
with the United States and Mexico, whileproviding considerable
benefit to some Canadian exportesr has utterly failed to protect
the export of some important natural products from the influence
of certain vested interests in the USA. When this agrrement was
first projected the opinions of those experienced in the customs
tariff, including the staff of Customs and Excise were that the
same advantages could be secured by maintained theTariffschedules
while providing free entry for desired commodities.
The whole matter should be subject to a drastic review.
Our relationship with the United States transcends that of
friendship. We are so inextricably linked that the relationship is
that of members of the same family. It iswell known that Sibling
rivalry can create problems. Canadians re very faimiliar with the
United States where most have traveled and many resided and
they are knowledgeable on the nature of US government.
Amercans are much less likely to understand Canadians.
Our interests are largely the same.An attack on the USA is an
attack on Canada and vice versa.It is a different matter when
US Foreign policy projects military operations against other
countries. In such matters Canadian judgement and Canadian
policy must be the prime consideration. Canada is the good friend
of the United States, but the obligations of friendship do not
include automatic concurrence with some policyof which
we do approve and in which we have not been consulted.
A good friend will warn his friend of an unwise action that may well
prove disadvantagous.
It is essential thar Canadian foreign policy is Made in Canad and
independent of that of another country. The Minister of Foreign
Affairs and the Prime Minister were on sound grounds when they
indicated that participation in a military exercise against Iraq
would require an endorsement from the United Nations
It is conceded that the UN is far from perfection but it is essential
to recognize the Principle for which it was created,namely World
concensus on vital matters
Geoffrey Wasteneys |