Question 6: SécuritéLe Canada devrait-il déployer plus d’efforts pour remédier aux conditions qui provoquent les conflits et l’insécurité au-delà de nos frontières? Si oui, où doit-il le faire? |
Participant: | 1897 |
Date: |
2003-05-01 15:39:48 |
Réponses: |
If by "conditions" this document means to include such factors as poverty, environmental degradation, epidemics, and lack of the essential basics for everyday life, then Canada should consider deploying humanitarian and development aid. Organizations already exist within Canada to dispense this aid and moreover, Canada should continue to cooperate with the U.N. in strengthening struggling nations. Conflict, insecurity and terrorism breed in situations of extreme poverty and oppression, such as refugee camps. Canada security could be boosted by taking more refugees from these troubled areas. |