Question 4: SécuritéQuelles devraient être nos priorités lorsqu’il s’agit d’assurer la sécurité des Canadiens? Le Canada doit-il accorder plus d’importance aux opérations de combat? Ou à des activités comme la collecte et l’analyse du renseignement? Devrions-nous nous concentrer sur des mesures de sécurité de portée générale, comme celles visant à contrer la dégradation de l’environnement et la propagation des maladies infectieuses? Quel rôle particulier devrions-nous jouer dans la promotion de la sécurité internationale? |
Participant: | 1900 |
Date: |
2003-05-01 15:31:35 |
Réponses: |
Canada should definitely NOT give higher priority to military combat operations. We should, on the other hand, strengthen our capacity to engage in international peacekeeping and immediate post-conflict re-construction.
We should also be prepared to engage in conflict resolution missions which would hopefully prevent military conflict.
Canada can offer many countries the benefit of excellent policing skills training, training in human rights, in inter-ethnic, inter-racial and inter-faith co-operation.
A focus on conflict prevention would also include combatting environmental degradation (e.g. through implementation of the Kyoto Protocol) and preparedness for dealing with ecological refugees as climate change continues to reduce the capacity of many areas to provide sustainable livelihoods. (See the World Council of Churches paper: "Solidarity with Victims of Climate Change". |