Question 5: SécuritéComment les forces armées canadiennes peuvent-elles le mieux contribuer à la réalisation de nos objectifs en matière de politique étrangère? En se concentrant sur la défense nationale et continentale? En participant aux missions de combat dans le cadre de coalitions internationales? En contribuant aux missions de paix? Ou en s’acquittant de toutes ces tâches à la fois? |
Participant: | 1897 |
Date: |
2003-05-01 15:25:30 |
Réponses: |
National defense is a basic function of every state. Given Canada's geographic position, and since we appear to be in no imminent danger of attack from our major trading partner, our defense dollars should be spent on training and equipping our troops for participation in peace-keeping missions natural disaster relief, as well as providing the coast guard with the personnel and equipment they need to fulfill their duties. |