Question 4: SécuritéQuelles devraient être nos priorités lorsqu’il s’agit d’assurer la sécurité des Canadiens? Le Canada doit-il accorder plus d’importance aux opérations de combat? Ou à des activités comme la collecte et l’analyse du renseignement? Devrions-nous nous concentrer sur des mesures de sécurité de portée générale, comme celles visant à contrer la dégradation de l’environnement et la propagation des maladies infectieuses? Quel rôle particulier devrions-nous jouer dans la promotion de la sécurité internationale? |
Participant: | USC |
Date: |
2003-05-01 13:01:30 |
Réponses: |
Canada should do more to address the conditions that give rise to conflict and insecurity beyond, and even within , its borders. Endemic poverty and climate change are at forefront of our preoccupations. Protection of the environment is crucial to the future health of Canadian people and to the maintenance of the Earth of which we occupy a great amount. We have a responsibility to protect the environment here and encourage other nations to do so.
As we work with our partners to strengthen civil society through improved governance, more democratic development and greater respect for gender and human rights through dialogue and by funding research into problems of the environment and poverty, we need to counteract the erosion of freedom and human rights in our own country.