Question 5: SécuritéComment les forces armées canadiennes peuvent-elles le mieux contribuer à la réalisation de nos objectifs en matière de politique étrangère? En se concentrant sur la défense nationale et continentale? En participant aux missions de combat dans le cadre de coalitions internationales? En contribuant aux missions de paix? Ou en s’acquittant de toutes ces tâches à la fois? |
Participant: | 1881 |
Date: |
2003-05-01 12:10:22 |
Réponses: |
The peacekeeping role is the only effective role for the Canadian military.
National defence and 'support' for international coalitions is only ever a symbolic gesture on our part. Do not take this as a criticism, I feel that we should not strive to have a large force with a focus on combat.
I think it is appropriate for us to rely on world bodies, such as the United Nations, for our defence. Especially if we have contributed in a peacekeeping role. |