Question 5: SécuritéComment les forces armées canadiennes peuvent-elles le mieux contribuer à la réalisation de nos objectifs en matière de politique étrangère? En se concentrant sur la défense nationale et continentale? En participant aux missions de combat dans le cadre de coalitions internationales? En contribuant aux missions de paix? Ou en s’acquittant de toutes ces tâches à la fois? |
Participant: | 1876 |
Date: |
2003-05-01 10:39:38 |
Réponses: |
Of course, if Canada is directly attacked by another country, our military should be ready to defend us. This scenario is extremely unlikely. The continental attacks which have occurred have been by terrorist organizations, not by other countries. This makes a military response difficult to justify. We should seek to protect ourselves only from those directly involved in violence, and not participate in killing civilians in the name of retaliation or prevention. This type of activity is not only wrong, it breeds more terrorism. Rooting out those directly involved in violence is a far greater challenge, but is necessary. These individuals should appear in an international criminal court.
Canada's military shoud primarily be involved in peacekeeping, and should participate, if able, in UN-directed forces if military intervention is required by a nation's people, for example, if a country has been invaded by another, or a genocide is underway. |