Contributor: dsteve3
Date: 2003-01-23 10:50:27
We are in a very difficult position, which makes it that much more important. If we waffle (their Liberals, dears - waffling is what they do best...) we spoil our shot at sending a clear and responsible message to the world, and forcing those aggressive parties to either show their hand or fold.
There is a government in the Whitehouse that acts like an entity independant from the nation it governs. The U.S. constitution is one of the most thoughtful, protective and enlightened documents in the history of the world. But if its not protected by the people, it might as well go the way of my college diploma(...)
The media is gone. They don't report, just regurgitate. But not here in Canada! We still have our voice and our heart. When the PC signed the Free Trade deal (good and bad, helpful and hurtful), did we really agree to allow the Americans to tell us how to run our energy policy? According to a Toronto Star article from the weekend before last, our energy resources are now apart of their "security" concerns. That scares me witless, how about you?
A waffling Canada right now is all that Heir Bush needs to further the agendas of "Who-Knows-Whom" and we need to make GREAT BIG SOUNDS of "well, there may be some problems..."
The Americans no longer understand the terms "conflict of interest" and "appearance of impropriety". We need to reaquaint them with these terms, in light of the Whitehouse crew and their shady reputations. Irony of ironies, its the Loyalists who will have to remind America of its Indepenance proclamations.
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