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Contributor: Fritzpat
Date: 2003-04-12 14:57:11
This show the need for UN to handle very fast this part of the problem. The fact that US didn't wait for UN approval for their incursion should drive the UN to charge the USA for the costs of all their support.
I think that some government must get a "fine" to assume his irresponsability.
And of course another one should get before the International Tribunal for misgoverning and crime against his population.
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Contributor: cfallon
Date: 2003-04-14 15:48:46
Its unrealistic to expect the UN to handle anything very fast!
If the UN can charge the US, I hope that a free Iraq charges the UN with doing nothing to help them.
I hope that when Congalese are freed, they get to charge the UN with doing nothing to help them.
I hope the Rwandans and Kosovars get to charge the UN with doing nothing to help them.
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Contributor: fatmomma
Date: 2003-04-15 09:13:16
You should be realistic, Cfallon. The UN does not nor cannot guarantee freedom and justice to all. It has not been given the power to act independently on its own. It requires the support and goodwill of the member countries. When these member countries are unwilling to act for the good of the world and will only act for the good of only their homeland; international fair justice is very limited. Until the world is prepared to transfer real power to the UN to have complete control and enforced funding it can only act with the goodwill of the countries contained within its structure.
Much like individual provinces or states; if we were allowed to withhold federal taxes or refuse to respect federal decisions ; our own countries would be ham strung and unable to act for the greater good of the country as a whole. The UN needs real power to act and collect funding before it can be held responsible or lacking in substance.
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Contributor: cfallon
Date: 2003-04-15 11:34:56
The big difference between provinces and states in relation to a federal government compared against nations and the UN:
Federal and provincial governments are ELECTED. Oh, and quite critically, ELECTED BY THE SAME PEOPLE.
The UN is not elected and most of the countries that make up the UN do not represent their citizens - they represent regimes that live off the citizens.
So, my UN cannot consist of a bunch of dictators who I legitimize by meeting with them and acting according to their dictates.
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Contributor: fatmomma
Date: 2003-04-17 22:30:32
Because a country is not a democracy does not mean it does not represent its citizens. Lots of elected representatives do not represent their citizens wishes either. A democracy does not make its representitives necessarily better than some non democracies. Even in Canada and the USA many of these citizens who vote do not do so wisely or by being well informed. ( I believe, you criticized Chretien for listening to the voice of the people)
The only country that I hear dictating to other countries is America and Israel. Israel is a democracy but it has an extremely large file on its human rights violations.
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Contributor: albertanfirst
Date: 2003-04-26 17:40:50
if being well informed means watching cbc newsworld and reading noam chomsky, then you must be the most informed person in the country.
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Contributor: fatmomma
Date: 2003-04-27 02:26:44
My information does not come from watching any tv. Much of it comes form high ranking Americans. Such as "Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity" former USA intelligence agents; Ramsey Clark former Attorney General of the USA plus many others. I do not need others to form my opinions. I can see for myself the attitude and reaction of world leaders. I fully use the internet to check everything from several different sources before I draw my conclusions. Perhaps you should consider turning off CNN.
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