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Conclusion: The World We Want

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The World We Want

Contributor: whichwaysthegym

Date: 2003-01-22 23:37:02

I totally agree. These are just people who would bash the US no matter what they do. I dont know whether it is jealousy that drives them?

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The World We Want

Contributor: digger

Date: 2003-01-22 23:57:13

I agree , these American bashers should crawl back under their rocks and hope the next terrorist's bomb doesn't land on them.Canada should give our unwavering support and gratitude to America, and back them fully with or without the UN's blessing. Only this, will we start to regain some of our integrity as a country that will not cower to the threat of terrorists.

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The World We Want

Contributor: Iceberg

Date: 2003-01-23 00:23:30

Digger, don't forget that the US tried on numerous occasions to annex Canada (or what was British North American territory at the time). It is in our nature to be, at least a little bit, suspicious of their activity.

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The World We Want

Contributor: craigmui

Date: 2003-01-23 05:08:11

In the many discussions I have reviewed and participated in regarding recent world events there is one very important perspective that we must all be aware of. How can you successfully engage in any negotiations without representing a strong and crediable position?

In regards to the situation in Iraq please take a moment and think for one second just how successful UN inspection teams would be in the US and UK were not massing armed forced outside of Iraq's borders. In fact you don't even have to use your imagination, just review the past 10 years and see the results. It is clear that unless the regime in Iraq feels threatened it will not respond in a positive manner. UN weapons inspectors were kicked out years ago and no action resulted so why now (without the threat of force) would Saddam simply change his mind and decide to actively engage with the UN on this issue. Clearly sanctions were not working so the next step is to threaten force.

The US has the very unenviable position of being the worlds only superpower. And as a result it falls to them to play the role of "bad cop" all the time so the "good cop" (the UN) can get the suspect (Iraq) to come clean. If the US was not beating the war drums does anyone really believe that Saddam would have let weapons inspectors back in?

We should all thank the US and it's taxpaying citizens for the commitment to PEACE they are making by flexing their muscle on this issue. Dismissing US foreign policy as "global bullying" is as shortsighted and self serving as it is just plain wrong.

Here is a link to an official Iraqi government information site http://www.uruklink.net/eindex.htm. Give it a read and you'll see that Iraq does not represent the truth in most everything they report.

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The World We Want

Contributor: marl

Date: 2003-01-25 10:13:59

If you check the record, the U.N. inspectors were not "kicked out" of Iraq in 1998, as you stated. They left because the U.S. and Britain were about to begin their bombing campaign. The media does such a good job in propandizing U.S. foreign policy that, unless you watch events closely, you are left with these false perceptions of what took place.

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The World We Want

Contributor: olympiakos7

Date: 2003-01-23 13:55:48

Canada is a multi-cultural country and need to take the helm when it comes to global politics. We need to set an example to the world as to how races of every nation can live side by side in harmony.

We need to think for ourselves. We musn't be blinded by American propaganda that were bombarded with nightly. We can no longer live in the shadow of the United states and it's war mongering tyrannical government.

Canada must take a role as the voice of reason, something that Germany, France and China have done in opposing the US and their unjust war.

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The World We Want

Contributor: Gordie

Date: 2003-01-23 14:01:12

Or we could stand up for ourselves as an sovereign nation that can make up its own mind democratically.

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The World We Want

Contributor: marl

Date: 2003-01-23 12:01:09

In response to your comments that we should support this unjust war on Iraq, I submit the following letter written by a concerned American. I challenge you to dispute these facts.

"If Americans understood our last war on Iraq, would we more strongly oppose another one? Do we know what our military does in the real world, where the Pentagon won't even take our lapdog of a press corps out for a walk?

The Gulf War's 'video game accuracy' was a lie told by the Pentagon and re-told by the media. We dropped 88,000 tons of bombs on Iraq, nearly seven times the force of Hiroshima. 93% were old-fashioned dumb bombs, mostly dropped from high altitudes. 60,000 of these were anti-personnel cluster bombs. The civil infrastructure of central and southern Iraq was devastated, resulting in years of polluted water supplies, no electricity, and criminal levels of child mortality.

We use depleted uranium (DU) to pierce armor "like butter." We left 300 tons of DU in Iraq, mostly as easily-inhaled radioactive dust. Now Iraq has skyrocketing rates of monstrous birth defects and aggressive cancers and leukemias. Though a few members of Congress tried to highlight this scandal, it remains resolutely ignored by American media. Consequently, our commitment to DU has deepened, despite its nuclear pollution of Iraq and (via NATO) the Balkans. We now proliferate these radioactive weapons around the world.

When Hussein pledged to withdraw from Kuwait, President Bush I called it a "cruel hoax." When the withdrawal began as promised, we waited until midnight, then launched a frantic, all-out air blitz to exterminate the departing Iraqi soldiers. That night we incinerated tens of thousands of Iraqis for the crime of trying to go home.

How much do we need to know to oppose more war on Iraq? We learn some very troubling things just sitting in front of the TV. We've seen news of the devastation caused by the US-sponsored sanctions. We've heard experts disagree whether the sanctions have killed hundreds of thousands, or more than a million Iraqi mothers and children. Why do these deaths, continuing today, mean so little to our hearts?

Can we maintain a sense of moral responsibility for our always-benevolent foreign policy, if we're told time and again that its fatal effects are the result of exploitation by our enemies? It's this point, where US policy connects with the real world, that is always attacked by core sources in government and media who aim to pander and propagandize. They absolve us of responsibility for a generation of dead Iraqi children by trotting out presidential palaces and rusting Scud missiles, prattling that "the sanctions wouldn't kill so many children if Saddam weren't such a monster!"

As surely as Pavlov's dogs, we take this idiotic bell as a cue to blame another US-inflicted disaster on a prescribed and suitably evil enemy. Many well-intentioned Americans have simply been unable to resist years of televised orders to hate Saddam Hussein like the Devil himself. Thus, outrageous lies about US policy are digested by a 'free people', and we hear them dutifully repeated by our neighbors, at the rare times they are required.

Our support for Israel's occupation of Palestine also requires unrelenting propaganda, but, like Iraq, key facts have leaked through. We dimly understand that Israel occupies land that is supposed to be Palestinian, maybe in the future, if it's OK with Israel. We've seen Israeli bulldozers mow down Palestinian homes, and we know the rest of the world says the occupation is illegal. We even know that our pro-Israel policy incites more terror against us.

But we don't protest, or lift a finger to protect the Palestinians, even to save our own skins. Because we've been told who to blame: "Raging" Arabs who obstinately reject the "modernity" of occupation. Stunning evidence that even the most simple-minded lies, repeated often enough on the right lips, can fatally corrupt our national discourse.

What did we know, and when did we know it? Future historians will probably decide that we knew a lot, and we knew it a long time ago. They will mark the failure of the US media as a critical blow to freedom and democracy. But unless we are exonerated as non compos mentis victims of the world's first successful mass brainwashing, history will also fault us as a people, for our chronic failure to demand respect for human rights and international law from our government.

James Brooks of Worcester, Vermont

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The World We Want

Contributor: jeffg

Date: 2003-03-12 18:54:09

First off, we are not bashing the United States. We are bashing its current leader, George W Bush. (Alright, his advisors, too.) Second, I don't see how jealousy is relevant - try fear.

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The World We Want

Contributor: cfallon

Date: 2003-03-13 15:59:36

Fear - perhaps its more like paranoia.

Jealousy is definetely part of the problem. Its one of the reasons people blame the US for problems created by their own governments: jealously acts like the lubricant which that allows despotic governments to slide their culpability to everyone's favorite scape-goat: the US.

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The World We Want

Contributor: fatmomma

Date: 2003-03-13 22:29:10

No jealousy here; in fact I feel sympathy for the American people. The US a scapegoat ; yeah sure .
The present American government refuses to listen to good advice. By insisting on attacking a country while it is disarming under UN weapons inspectors is very stupid and dangerous. It will only succeed in alienating other countries and bring more terrorist attacks to North America. Mr Bush seems to think He is the only authority in this world that is important.

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The World We Want

Contributor: cfallon

Date: 2003-03-14 14:42:46

Many Canadians, including you, criticise the US administration without being paranoid. There is a legitimate discussion here.

However, the ever-present strand of anti-americanism that exists in Canada, you must admit, is driven mostly by paranoia and a fear that we are not a real country.

I do think many governments across the world use the US as a scape-goat for their citizens suffering which is largely the fault of these governments.

Also, I think we will get more terrorist attacks regardless of what we do. That's what scares me.

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The World We Want

Contributor: fatmomma

Date: 2003-03-15 05:16:29

No, I strongly disagree with you. It is Mr Bush's arrogance and dismissal of any suggestions that could avoid war. He had a mandate to seek out terrorists. He bombed too many civilian targets in Afghanistan without capturing Osama bin Laden which was his target. He suddenly turned his attention to Iraq and made many assertations that have been proven false. His WMD proofs that are revealed to be fraudulent. Powell's logic to tie Iraq to the al quadi network was incredibly lacking. His insistence on war with no regard to the UN was very disturbing and arrogant. His thinly veiled threats of economic repercussions for not backing him is not in keeping with the American and Canadian respect for free speech and democracy. Most people I talk to still have faith in the American people as basically fair minded but we just do not trust this leadership. I do believe that peace in the middle east can only come from pressuring Israel and Palestine to work at resolving their differences. Israel with their US backing has become very aggressive; mimicking US speeches and refusing to obey UN resolutions.

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The World We Want

Contributor: cfallon

Date: 2003-03-17 13:54:22

Yes, we disagree. What suggestions have been made to avoid war?

The only suggestion I heard came from Quatar and it was a suggestion to Saddam: leave Iraq.

Also, why should any country "obey" a UN resolution when there is no incentive to do so?

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The World We Want

Contributor: codc01

Date: 2003-03-17 15:12:04

A timetable for disarmement. The Canadian proposition was a good proposition...

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The World We Want

Contributor: fatmomma

Date: 2003-03-17 22:34:40

What do you think the UN weapons inspectors were for. They were making Iraq destroy missles. Saddam and his people were cooperating. The suggestion from the majority said we should not attack Iraq as long as it was cooperating fully with the weapons inspectors and destroying and revealing any banned military assets they possessed. The majority were working to make a timetable when certain steps should be completed by. What was wrong with that solution. Bush's attacking a country that iss/or is appearing to disarm with only succeed in enraging more arabic/muslim people which will result in more terrorist attacks in North America. That is as plain as can be and why anybody doesn't realize this is beyond my comprehension

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