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48hrs to choose your God

Contributor: Vox

Date: 2003-03-18 19:38:22

"Aristotle once wrote, " It remains true that the greatest injustices proceed from those who pursue excess, not from those who are driven by necessity." ..."

Actually, I believe necessity is not a reliable gauge of righteousness because people can have very different views of what is "necessary"...leading to big "arguments". I think many atrocities were deemed "necessary" - did Hitler not think his actions were necessary for Germany? Anyway, Aristotle was only human.

In the same light, the primary motive voiced by Bush *is* one of necessity - to rein in rogue nations that would develop, supply and use WMD; as well as the necessity to bring credibility to UN resolutions on Iraq.

If you look at how much Bush is risking to lose by pursuing this course of action I think the likelihood that it is a plot to acquire oil and superpower excess is simply not believable.

The US does not need oil. Its economy already beats most other nations and alternate sources of oil and energy are available. As for superpower excess, the preferred modus operandi of a sole superpower is actually stealth. That means.. "if you have it you do not want to advertise the fact".

Just like a monopoly, a sole superpower is most successful when it does not advertise what it is. I don't have any compliments for Bush's style but he is not making any bones about what the US is doing. Bush is not flaunting power because he enjoys it. He is risking his entire political career and the future of his country and the world. The same goes for Blair, he is being roasted for speaking up and he knows it may likely be fatal to his career. Compare that to the easy, opportunistic roles played by Chirac, Schroeder and a few other PMs. Those other ones are the real "jackals".

True leadership like the lives of prophets often exacts personal sacrifice and invites bitter criticism from the people being served. Reality is seldom welcomed.

Vox Canadiana

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48hrs to choose your God

Contributor: codc01

Date: 2003-03-19 17:15:34

"Chirac, Schroeder and a few other PMs. Those other ones are the real "jackals""

It will be quite a zoo, on one side we have jackals, and on the other side we have vultures (Bush, Blair)...

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48hrs to choose your God

Contributor: Fleabag

Date: 2003-03-19 20:29:49

If any one country needs oil it is the US. The pursuit of excess is the American Dream. Ask anyone what 'personal sucess' means and Most everyone will say 'being rich'. The US is vastly wealthy compared to the rest of the world. What is the only thing that they could pursue? More. What lies after more? All.

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48hrs to choose your God

Contributor: banquosghost

Date: 2003-03-19 22:00:05

"Just like a monopoly, a sole superpower is most successful when it does not advertise what it is."

Rome certainly kept it's preeminence pretty quiet. The Khans were almost obsessive about making sure no one knew about them. Not many knew about Great Britain's empire and power. Gopod knows France's day in the sun was almost entirely a secret.

Empires throw their weight around. They have to. If they don't every upstart yahoo will think they've got what it takes. So to prevent that they become "preemptive".

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48hrs to choose your God

Contributor: Vox

Date: 2003-03-20 23:07:04

I'm a little baffled by your "byzantine" comparisons but okay, by your analogies the US will colonize Iraq and won't leave unless they're forced to. We'll have to see then, won't we?

BTW, have you ever taken a course in microeconomics?

Throwing one's weight around is a heck of a lot more work than just sitting back, collecting your profits and taking luxury vacations in those countries that you avoid having to throw "your weight" upon. I mean, you never know what some disgruntled waiter might throw in your soup...;#}

Oppression works best when the victims are unaware of it.

Vox Canadiana

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