Contributor: Fleabag
Date: 2003-03-17 20:45:05
The 'complete reversal of logic' you speak of, I believe, is merely the other side of the same coin. The billions, perhaps trillions, of dollars that are to be made from 'the rest of the oil on earth' (that meaning Iraq has the largest amount of oil in the ground anywhere in the world) will go to stimulate one nation's economy. That means millions of 'trickle-down' jobs, as that nation's 'richest company in the world' will create employment, tax revenues, et al. TotalFinaElf is already owed billions, and stand to make untold billions more. That would be a tremendous boon to the French economy. The US would benefit in the exact same way if the reserves go to Exxon or Mobil.
The US is a very fat, hungry nation, consuming a disproportionate share of energy and resources compared to the rest of the world. Pres. Bush has promised the American people that they have every right to continue doing so, even if he has to go to war to secure the right of 'every American to have SUV's".
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