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Contributor: jwitt
Date: 2003-02-20 20:03:08
Instead of stating that you are sometimes "rabidly anti-American", meaning that you ferociously and fundamentally object to many millions of people who feel precisely the same way you do, why don't you state that you are rabidly anti-republican, which I think is really what you mean (but maybe not).
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Contributor: YvonLattrapé
Date: 2003-02-21 15:54:39
Dear jwitt, you are absolutely RIGHT!!! Shame on those who don't understand that the President of the United States of America, the Great George W. Bush (May God Bless him!), is actually building a world of Peace and Justice.
As a Canadian citizen, only one thing frustrates me, which is the deplorable fact that I cannot get a membership card of the Republican Party of the U.S.A. We sould change our legislation as soon as possible to allow anyone in Canada who wants to become a proud member of the Republican Party of the USA to do so.
George W. Bush is a sensible man, he wants to help the poors and he is a man of great compassion. He is the guide we should follow, the leader we should obey to. He is the supreme guarantee for human rights and social justice.
A admire G.W. Bush. He is superb. He is not only the President of the USA, but of the Free World. Hail to the Chief!!!
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Contributor: jwitt
Date: 2003-02-22 13:47:54
You seem to have missed my point entirely. So, let me spell it out for you more clearly.
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Contributor: YvonLattrapé
Date: 2003-02-22 17:55:35
Thank you, dear JWitt, for your clarifications.
I maintain that G. W. Bush is the greatest President ever, and that we, Canadians, must be grateful for the policies elaborated by the american Republican Party, because the Republicans, guided by their Great Leader G. W. Bush, are fighting for the freedom of us all.
I also accept, as you suggest, to distinguigh between Republican policies and American Society as a whole. Such a disctinction is important, because it shows that American Society is not perfect because it is virtually impossible for it to 100% adhere to Republican policies.
Thanks a lot for your kind enlightment.
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Contributor: codc01
Date: 2003-02-25 05:50:14
I totally agree with you, I like the American people very much. They are very kind and warm.
What i don't like is the American government as a whole. They use the American media to "lie" to their own people, and try to convince them of things which are absolutely not proven
by fact. I actually feel pity for the American people to have to endure the
government propaganda.
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Contributor: cfallon
Date: 2003-02-25 15:43:23
I'm sure Americans are grateful for your pity. But, I don't think they would agree with your singling out the US government as a creator of propaganda:
Every government uses the media to "lie" to their own people. Propaganda is a tool of every government in every time.
The CBC is a STATE OWNED corporation.
But they couldn't possibly spread propaganda. No! Never! Not a Canadian media outlet owned by the Canadian government. We are much too honest and frank to let that happen.
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Contributor: codc01
Date: 2003-02-25 17:36:20
Everyone uses propaganda, i must agree with you, but i think the US government is quite expert at manipulating the media in general. This expertise is much less pronounced in other countries (even though it does exist). Take the case of the butchering of Kuwait babies by Iraq soldiers in the 1991 War, that was a total fabrication of the US news media (I don't recall if this news was given first by US independent news or the US government - i don't know the full facts about this).
Some people used to watch CNN only for world news (until recently), and these people told me that Saddam Hussein should be destroyed at all costs because he is evil... I told them to try to diversify their source of information a bit, and these people have now become much more relativistic in their views.
(the recipe : get the news from one or more right-wing sources, one or more left-wing sources, and some centrist sources (the sources should be from difference countries of course), mix everything, and then you can get the real facts and make your opinion)...
Some good sources of information
(for me - some are french):
www.cnn.com (of course)
www.cyberpresse.ca (Canada)
www.nationalpost.com (Canada)
www.globeandmail.com (Canada)
www.lemonde.fr (France)
www.courrinternational.com (This is a digest of several editorials of world newspapers - gives a world view of issues)
www.yahoo.fr (France)
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Contributor: cfallon
Date: 2003-02-28 16:07:51
Agreed. The US is probably better at it than most, they are better at almost everything than most.
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Contributor: fatmomma
Date: 2003-03-01 10:59:39
G.W. Bush is a very dangerous man.He is hell bent on war and to destroy the United Nations.Retired Canadian general Romeo Dallaire stated that the US and Britain are setting up the UN inspectors to fail by giving half-hearted support; leaving the two countries to wage war without its approval. In my opinion; it is GW Bush and Tony Blair that are setting up the UN to fail and that they are denying any support or credibility to the UN. This includes financial support as the US is 2 years in arrears paying its share of dues to the UN last report I read. Their motives are in my mind so that America can control the world . We have seen numerous examples of American protectionism of their trade while trying to tell Canada how they cannot subsidize or protect jobs by having our lumber processed in Canada. The US wants our raw resources and jobs. Yet they protect their raw timber from export to Japan. I do not feel anti American but I do fear their present leadership and practices. Bush is trying to take world control by bribes of armnaments and threats of economic pressures
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Contributor: fatmomma
Date: 2003-03-01 13:12:31
I should have added; that I am not anti=American; it is only this aggressive very out of control dangerous present administration that scares me. The American people are no different than us. Some good some bad but that can be said of any country, It is not the people but the government controlling them and shaping their views
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Contributor: YvonLattrapé
Date: 2003-03-04 23:45:05
I respectfully disagree with your opinion. George W. Bush (may God bless him!) in not dangerous. He is not a morron. But do you want to know what he actually is? President Bush is the great and amazing leader of the Free World. President Bush is entirely dedicated to Peace, Love, and Justice. Also, his powerful intellect is the supreme guarantee that the world is going in the right direction.
George W. Bush's wisdom must be accepted by Canada. We have this amazing chance of being the very neighbour of the country that is leaded by that amazing man named George W. Bush. His deep and brillant analysis of the world's situation is essential if we want to understand what our duty is. Canada must join President Bush and do whatever he would ask us to.
Instead of criticizing, we must praise President Bush, and also celebrate our amazing chance that is: being contemporary witnesses of his Blessed Presidency.
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