logo du MAECI partenariat Logo de byDesign eLab, un centre indépendant de recherche, développement et production en forums électroniques pour l'élaboration des politiques, qui a vu le jour en 1997 dans le cadre du programme McLuhan de l'Université de Toronto
Version conviviale pour l'impression http://www.foreign-policy-dialogue.ca/fr/discussion/index.php?m=3059

Valeurs et culture

Thank you for participating in the Dialogue on Foreign Policy. The interactive web site is now closed. The Minister's report will appear on this web site once it is released.

Ce forum est bilingue, et les participants peuvent rédiger leurs commentaires dans la langue de leur choix.


Shape foreign policy?

Participant: moderator

Date: 2003-04-14 13:26:35

This web site will remain open until May 1st to receive Canadian views on
how our future foreign policy should be shaped. The Minister's paper sets
out 12 questions, and the web site adds question 13 which asks about the
paper and Dialogue itself. Please answer the questions, if you have not
already done so. Do your friends, family, co-workers know about this
opportunity to have your views heard? The forums have been very lively and
quite informative on some topics, however is it possible now to focus more clearly on shaping Canada's foreign policy, along lines of the questions in the Dialogue paper?

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