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Prime Minister & Foreign Policy

Contributor: codc01

Date: 2003-03-23 09:29:59

"No, Chretien was bullied by Chirac into siding against the UK and USA. Chirac used Landry and the Quebec election against Canada. If Canada sided with the US, Landry could have told Quebecers that Canada did not represent Quebecers interests or values in foreign affairs and this would have stoked seperatism. Chirac used this as a lever against Chretien. "

I don't know where you get your facts from, but they are completely absurd, France did not bully Chretien at all. Chretien did have a sensitive problem with the Quebec opinion and the election, that is true, but France is not related at all with this.

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Prime Minister & Foreign Policy

Contributor: cfallon

Date: 2003-03-24 13:28:29

Well, we can't prove it either way. But I am glad it got some reaction because:

1) It could be true.

but more importantly,

2) The pro-Saddam lobby in Canada has asserted a great many vile and vicious motives behind the coalition action. The Canadian government not only remained silent while these accusations were being thrown about, but encouraged them.

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Prime Minister & Foreign Policy

Contributor: codc01

Date: 2003-03-24 14:11:57

Yes, it could be true, but it could also be true that Bush wants the oil of Iraq, or its something personal between Bush-Saddam... We'll probably never know (regarding the oil part, though, we should have a strong indication, if the Iraqi oil is kept to the Iraqi people or not)...

There is a pro-Saddam movement in Canada?? If there is, it must not be significant - I am certainly not pro-Saddam, but neither am i pro-Bush, I'm against both, and from the opinions i've seen from ordinary Canadians, they are also against Saddam and Bush...

I think your emotions are leading your reasoning, which in my opinion, is a bad idea.

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