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Question 9: Prosperity

Should Canada focus on cultivating new economic partnerships with emerging powers such as China, India, Mexico and Brazil?



Excerpt Contributor Date
We need to foster as many equally productive ties as we can, new markets are important to expand Canada’s economy. However, the forging of new economic relationships should work to nurture our mutual economies, but also the social and democratic institutions that help ensure human rights and equal USC 2003-05-01 13:57:57
This should be a very high priority. Esp. in the case of India, where there is already a commonwealth tie.

Human rights issues should be taken into account, for example in the case of China, and perhaps curtail partnerships there.
1881 2003-05-01 12:19:11
YES. 1878 2003-05-01 11:58:40
Canada should indeed cultivate trade and cultural partnerships with emerging economic partners. The negotiation of labour, health and environmental standards are important. Failing that, transparency is absolutely essential, so Canadian consumers can inform themselves and avoid any product made by s 1876 2003-05-01 11:28:01
I agree that countries with simular values will make better partners but as to the issue if we should have partners depends on how we and others deal with our responcibilities in trade. Example; by not always being selfish and thinking of what others want and are willing to give up for a common goal 1874 2003-05-01 10:04:47
It is not lucrative nor is it ethical to do business with a country that is a well-known human rights violator. Since the Chinese government is in the business of persecuting and murdering Falun Gong and religious groups on a large scale, and this widespread persecution requires tremendous resources 1875 2003-05-01 09:52:05
Canada should develop new economic links with China, India, Mexico and Brazil particularly in areas not already developed by Americans.
Canada should be concentrating on India due to American support of Pakistan which has created a peculiar attitude towards India in some important US circles.
1870 2003-05-01 07:27:55
I think we should diversify as much as we can. Having too much trade with any one country, whether the US or China, makes us vulnerable. Also we can help poorer countries by giving them markets for their goods. However, when dealing with countries where human rights abuses are prevalent I think we 1868 2003-05-01 04:59:07
Canada should have a policy of reducing its percentage of foreign trade with the USA to less than 50%. Where we would divert this trade would depend on our ability to make reciprocal agreements. Labour and environmental standards should be our criteria for trading with other countries. 1867 2003-05-01 04:58:56
Let us share our abundance with China, India, Mexico, Brazil and Russia. This is fostering world peace. This is lessening the stranglehold of corporate America... and might allow Canada economic independence and freedom from the corporate coercion being used to fulfill US foreign policy. 1858 2003-05-01 04:58:43
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