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Question 8: ProsperityWhat should Canada do to help make the benefits of globalization more widely
shared within and among all countries?
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I have not seen numbers that show "The benefits of Globalization" are real. They certainly have not applied to the common person in many of the countries that have been "globalized".
Canada should make the "benefits of Technology" available to the developing world. However |
1899 |
2003-05-01 15:44:47 |
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Globalization has the potential for great good. However, Canada should work to ensure that we are improving the benefits of globalization on the poor as many people in the poorest countries cannot benefit from globalization, or anything else, until very basic health, education, water, and other soc |
2003-05-01 13:57:45 |
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Globalization should not come as a detriment to the local population of countries. Canada should strive to make international agreements to the benefit of the people of the nations and not primarily for the benefit of multinational corporations. |
1881 |
2003-05-01 12:25:50 |
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Globalization brings too much disparity of income. Anthing to lessen this : support for Brazil at present in good. |
1878 |
2003-05-01 11:56:39 |
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The debate about globalization is very polarized. It seems that most sources of information about the effects of globalization discuss only the negative, or champion only the positive. I would like to see Canada develop a balanced approach - to recognize and develop systems to mitigate the negative, |
1876 |
2003-05-01 11:34:43 |
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The current behaviour and practices of the WTO, IMF and World Bank is in complete contradiction to the ideals these organizations promote. Despite the rhetoric, these Bretton Woods institutions do not allow developing countries a chance to stand on their own "two legs". These institutions co |
AndrewB |
2003-05-01 11:31:53 |
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By giving with out thought of return or being more fare with trade agreements.
1874 |
2003-05-01 09:51:50 |
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As noted in Fatton's book on Haiti published in 2002, it is not enough to promote a regime change to bring democracy. Canada must support transformation of governments through development of stakeholders in real democracy not yet another group wishing to utlize governance for promotion of their |
1870 |
2003-05-01 07:27:41 |
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Provide markets. Forgive debts of poor countries. Spend more on well-thought-out foreign aid, e.g. micro loans. Consult, ask what is needed. Help in ways that are requested by communities, unions, small enterprises. Provide expertise as requested. Be supportive. I don't think Free Trade agreemen |
1868 |
2003-05-01 04:57:37 |
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I have yet to see these so-called benefits of globalization! Putting the power in the hands of arms, oil, pharmaceutical, and drugs-for-weapons cartels is what globalization seems to be about. "Empire-building" equals 'globalization'. Meanwhile, the dictators and puppet leaders who |
1858 |
2003-05-01 04:57:24 | |
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