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Question 7: ProsperityHow should Canada take advantage of its location in North America to increase
prosperity while promoting our distinctive identity?
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Canada should not spare any effort in continuing to attempt to influence public opinion in the United States to help Americans look beyond their military and economic superiority, so that they too will be part of improving life on earth within a just international system that promotes the values of |
1853 |
2003-05-01 00:27:31 |
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Canada should not promote its identity as there are a myriad of more pressing issues requiring financial and other resources. Canadian prosperity can be enhanced by continuing to support both the reduction of international trade barriers and the economic development of poorer regions of the world. |
1754 |
2003-05-01 00:27:17 |
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Promoting a distinctive identity as a 'prosperity - based' goal may prove difficult. However, Canada should be seen to be, first of all, as a nation that abides by international trade law and committed to the enrichment of developing countries through effective free trade. We could indeed be |
1849 |
2003-05-01 00:27:04 |
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We need to develop our potential to our maximum.Our development policy is based on a two season calender.
We also need to utilize our radioactive elements for peaceful purposes. |
1342 |
2003-04-30 22:19:00 |
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We must be vigilant and not sell off to private, for-profit corporations what we have spent decades in achieving. Namely, our health care, public utilities, public resources, education, social infra-structure. Let's not, for the sake of short-term gain put ourselves in a position where we will |
1843 |
2003-04-30 21:14:20 |
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Create deflation.
Allocate surplus to reduce taxes, reduce the cost of living, reduce the cost of education.
Export more Canadian produced products. Skills can be sub contract to foreign countries. That way the earnings are transferred into the Canadian economy.
1830 |
2003-04-30 18:59:22 |
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Prosperity is a difficult concept for discussion because it means different things to different people.
To pursue prosperity would mean protecting and mending the environment, developing culture and implementing human values. A fair distribution of the wealth while saving resources for future ge |
1818 |
2003-04-30 18:34:28 |
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Question 7. We do not endorse an increase in prosperity as a goal, unless it is congruent with planetary sustainability. Rather we seek more equitable distribution of Canada's prosperity. We can try to continue our economic co-operation with the US, but not at the expense of values in which we s |
HamiltonPGS |
2003-04-30 17:57:59 |
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By reducing or eliminating tariff barriers. |
1798 |
2003-04-30 17:57:48 |
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Prosperity should be far nore widely distributed across our population, but it should be the kind of prosperity in line with working for a better world. I wouldn't like to see people's prosperity, for instance, linked to something like the tobbaco industry or to military production geared fo |
sunrise |
2003-04-30 17:57:25 | |
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