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Question 12: Values and Culture

What are the best means for Canada to make its culture and experience known abroad?



Excerpt Contributor Date
Maybe we should just wait until someone asks. 1941 2003-05-02 01:18:36
The restoration of true democracy in Canada may not be "Foreign Policy", but it is vital if we are to implement the above suggestions and obtain a Foreign Policy that reflects the values of Canadians, not corporations.
This will require several changes in the way we select and run our gover
1935 2003-05-01 22:27:32
Actions ultimately speak louder than words. The Government of Canada cannot pay lip service to fundamental aspects of Canadian culture, such as the goals of poverty eradication and improved universal health care and at the same time support multilateral trade arrangements that contribute to defeatin CCIC 2003-05-01 21:50:53
I suppport many of the initiaves outlined in this section. I would like to see more mutuality of exchanges, for example Canadian students going abroad to learn from other countires, so that there is not just one direction. Canaada should also be aware of signing “trade” agreemetns that limit our abi annag 2003-05-01 21:09:04
A Ministry of Public Witness of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada

Waterloo Lutheran Seminary w Waterloo, Ontario w N2L 3C5
Ph: 519-884-0710 ext 3907 w fax 519-725-2434 w email dpfrimme@wlu.ca

The Hon. Bill Graham
Minister of Foreign Affairs
1920 2003-05-01 21:08:48
Make contact with other nations.
Enter into dialogue with them.
Go over to them and speak out. Do not be afraid to share your views and perspective. Talk to them, they will listen.
1905 2003-05-01 21:08:32
Through multilateral agencies, regional discussions and participation in world forums as well as through Canadian representations abroad. 1903 2003-05-01 20:57:03
Exchanges. Personal interactions between people. It can be done on diplomatic, cultural and educational interactions with people around the world.
The idea of international student exchanges for every child to visit and live in other cultures durning their education is very appealing and I would ho
1899 2003-05-01 15:46:31
Subject: A Dialogue on Foreign Policy

Friends of Canadian Broadcasting is a Canada-wide voluntary organization supported by 60,000 households whose mission is to defend and enhance the quality and quantity of Canadian programming in the audio-visual system. We welcome this opportun
FriendsofCanadianBroadcasting 2003-05-01 15:46:07
We must first keep and nurture our own identity.

Encouraging in our children and our youth the interest, understanding and respect for the many cultures and experiences that make up the peoples of Canada is a strong investment in Canada’s commitment to sharing our own past and culture around the
USC 2003-05-01 13:58:35
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