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Question 11: Values and Culture

Should Canada seek out opportunities for fostering global intercultural dialogue and interfaith understanding?



Excerpt Contributor Date
Intercultural and interfaith dialogue is part of the foundation of global security, prosperity and well-being.

Canada has many moderate and progressive communities of all religions, including Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, Sikh, etc.. The voices of progressive adherents of world religions are
1876 2003-05-01 12:05:21
To stop the ignorance of others cultures would be to my understanding the best way to end ignorance and negativity and fear of what people do not understand. Thus making a better example for people to live by and creating a more understanding international community. 1874 2003-05-01 10:25:30
Canada must seek out those neglected and not receiving external assistance to ensure that they also have a voice and a share in world prosperity. Saudi Arabia aggressively promotes through education and assistance the values of the present political leadership. If we really believe in our Canadian w 1870 2003-05-01 07:28:45
Absolutely! It is critical for our security to be aware of how we are perceived by others and for us to be aware of their characteristics, in order to have influence. It seems that the world's superpowers rarely ask how they are perceived in the world, rather, they prefer to focus their efforts wdc 2003-05-01 07:28:32
Presently, cultural and religious differenced are used to foster war-for profits agendas. When one actually visits a foreign country and sees its people plainly and simply...religious and cultural differences are minimized. When others of foreign nationality or faith are befriended, we no longer s 1858 2003-05-01 05:01:28
There is a huge need now for more understanding of the Muslim faith, and the Muslim world: history, culture, etc. including its colonized past and the seeds of current distrust and resentment. Promoting this within Canada may be a matter of domestic policy but it is needed in any case. 1868 2003-05-01 05:01:16
Yes 1867 2003-05-01 05:01:04
Yes, of course. Just be aware of the limitations of dialogue. Sometimes conflict isn't due to lack of understanding, but to the struggle for power: one side is struggling to overturn the status quo, the other to maintain the status quo. No amount of dialogue will reconcile these objectives.
russilwvong 2003-05-01 05:00:51
Probably yes, but start at home by encouraging more of this dialogue among our many cultures in a way that can serve as an example internationally. 1864 2003-05-01 05:00:39
No. There are a myriad of more pressing issues requiring financial and other resources. 1754 2003-05-01 00:36:49
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