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Question 3: The 1995 Policy Review and SinceCanada is a member of many international organizations, including the G8, NATO, the Commonwealth, La Francophonie, the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum (APEC), the Organization of American States (OAS) and the Arctic Council. Should our participation in any of these be strengthened, or adjusted?
Contributor: | 1911 |
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2003-05-01 18:45:05 |
Answer: |
La francophonie is an organization established by the government
of France for the specific objective of retention of the use of
French in former French colonies in Africa. It was supposed that
the use of the language would be likelyto ensure continued markets
for goods produced in France. Through small financial provisions
for Acadian organizations in the Maritime porovinces and the
use of resident agents a considerable euphoria was generated at
about the ytime General de Gaule visted Canada and made his
wholly malicious statement at Montreal. Mayor Drapeau sagely
remarked that If France loved the French speaking Canadians
so much it was puzzling that they had seen so little evidence of
this affection.
Canada has never been able to secure much market for goods in
former French Africa, yet the Government of Canada finances 30%
of La Francophonie's annual budget.
The Organization of American States is entirely dominated by the
United States .If Canada is to continue its limited association
it should be on the basis of representation of views distinct
but not necessarily divergent from those of the USA.
APEC seemsto provide a usefull contact with thev Eastern marketts. It should,
however be noteed that China's exports to Canada continue to
climb while our exports to China languish
Geoffrey Wasteneys
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