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Question 11: Values and Culture

Should Canada seek out opportunities for fostering global intercultural dialogue and interfaith understanding?



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Date: 2003-05-01 13:03:55
As a non-denominational Canadian organization made up of people from all faiths and from various countries around the world promoting social justice, fostering mutual cooperation and ensuring people develop their potential, USC Canada certainly exemplifies this within its Partnership. The conflict resolution work and promotion of democracy and good governance put forward and carried-out by our partners in Indonesia, is only one example. There is also the recognition of the important role schools play in promoting religious tolerance as our Adolescent Development Program curriculum adjusts itself to relate to Bangladeshis from all faiths.

To impress Canada as an authority influencing policy dialogue and advocacy and as a recognized knowledge-based authority and a legitimate spokesperson for grass-roots people globally we need to inform and involve Canadians in discussions that lead to improved knowledge and a better understanding, strengthened research, dialogue and advocacy capacity to contribute to the discourse on issues relevant to us globally.
In these times of religious and ethnic tension I think we should make people benefit from our experience and that we can grow stronger asa Country by recognizing and advocating this strength.
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