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Question 1: L'examen de la politique étrangère de 1995 et aprèsQuels sont les valeurs et les intérêts qui devraient avoir le plus d’importance dans l’élaboration de notre politique étrangère? Comment la politique étrangère du Canada peut-elle mieux refléter les préoccupations et les priorités des Canadiens?
Participant: | 1903 |
Date: |
2003-05-01 16:41:00 |
Réponses: |
Values and Interests: Democracy, multiculturalism,multilateralism, global peace and security, commitment to alleviating poverty on a global basis through aid but more importantly trade, basic fundamental human rights (Life, health and education)as outlined under the UN Charter.
Canadian foreign policy should be determined first by its historical role and updated continuously to an ever changing environment. Canadian's concerns and priorities should be reviewed periodically and taken into account in both minor and major policy decisions. At present the UN is faced with serious challenges that could lead to a diminished role in the world unless countries like Canada continue to support its role and stand firmly behind it. Canada's commitment must be unfailing and Canada must work closely with its allies in Europe, Asia and across the globe to ensure the continiuty of the UN which, as imperfect as it may seems to many, is the sole international body that can legitimize the actions of its members and contribute towards global peace and security.
As one of the only free democracies that has not had to struggle with colonialism in the past Canada is in an enviable position to take the lead in resolving some of the world's major conflicts both in terms of political issues as well as economic ones. |
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