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In War We Trust

Participant: solardog

Date: 2003-04-11 19:11:55

In War We Trust.
this is no secret or conspiracy. the consistent response to anything and everything that might potentially threaten society has been War. we need to acknolwedge this, on many levels. (American talking):Our country has problems with drugs, and We are responding with a War on Drugs. Terrorists are attacking symbols of our country, and We respond with a War on Terrorism
Saddam Hussein is the current menace that We are disposing of by means of War and any other leaders who don’t ‘shape up’ are in for the same response: War. We Trust In War.
War is expensive, we all know that. The War on Iraq alone was estimated to cost over $75 Billion US dollars before it started, and the cost for any continuing military occupation, will presumably cost a few more billion. National Debt is already on track for $1.8 Trillion dollars by 2010 (seven years from now), but this is not including any unforeseeable War that might happen in the mean time. Besides, the Cost of War is hardly a concern for the US taxpayer. ‘The Price of Freedom’, We (great-grandchildren included) ungrudgingly bear.
We can see by observation of the War on Germs (antibiotics) that even stronger bacteria are evolving as a result from our attempts to defeat them, but we are Ready to Respond with increased production of even stronger antibiotics, until there is ultimately Peace in our bodies.
We can see by observation of the War on Drugs that drugs are being highly refined and more plentiful in various and synthetic forms, while violence and crime rates are also rising. We are also Ready to Respond with increased surveillance and intelligence networks, which will aid to convict and imprison more offenders, until we have defeated Drugs, and there is ultimately Peace in our Streets.
The average citizen, observing these examples, might think that our War on Terrorism might only increase the acts of terror that We are being threatened with. We can only assure these people that Terrorism can only be defeated by means of War, like everything else in Nature. Therefore We will justify pre-emptive strikes, secret military tribunals, etc. until there is ultimately Peace in this World. In War We Trust.
If our methods (War) to achieve the objective (Peace) are somehow confusing to the average citizen, it only goes to show how simple their minds are. We can only assure them that everything is well taken care of, and that the best thing they can do is carry on with ‘business as usual’. Relax, War is well underway, on many levels, and rest assured that We are not taking our duties lightly. ‘Peacekeepers’ are being trained and dispatched in regional locations near you, and Victory is only a matter of time, but if we only stay persistent, In War We Trust.
Its a contagious philosophy, much like the one it replaces, and I don't think we're so far from its adoption up here in Canada. or are we?

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In War We Trust

Participant: Barretm82

Date: 2003-04-11 21:56:40

This surprises you? Thru out the entire human history we have been at war. I can't think of a single year in the last 100 we haven't been at war.

IE, WWI, WWII, Coldwar, Afghanistan (twice), Vietnam, Korea, etc, etc, etc.

I would bet that if complete records were kept there would not be a year in human history (except when there wern't enough people) without war somewhere in the world.

As long as a percentage of the population are sociopaths and we continue to appease them we will have wars indefinitely.

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In War We Trust

Participant: Fleabag

Date: 2003-04-11 23:39:27

I understand where your cynicism comes from, and I share some of your 'humorous bitterness'.
I have read a 'proverb' before on a friend's mother's fridge:
"Great minds discuss Ideas,
Lesser minds discuss Events,
Small minds discuss People."
I think this is a noble yet simple guideline to formulate ideas in conversation or foriegn policy matters.
Thank you for bringing it up in such a delightfully cynical and tongue-in cheek way.

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In War We Trust

Participant: Barretm82

Date: 2003-04-12 13:09:11

That is humorous fleabag, but I think you got it one off. ;)

The original translation is,

"Great minds understand the people
Lesser minds implant the ideas,
Small minds make the ideas happen."

/No offence intended to anyone, just tongue-in cheek word games here/ :)

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In War We Trust

Participant: Fleabag

Date: 2003-04-12 18:21:07

That is the good part about forums such as this. One is free to 'have one off the wrist' in public and still enjoy it. I presonally like the colour of the 'discuss' one better, for the original is a bit too 'pinko'.

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In War We Trust

Participant: Barretm82

Date: 2003-04-13 14:04:35


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In War We Trust

Participant: solardog

Date: 2003-04-27 17:17:28

small minds,big minds.. whats the point? We TRUST WAR. thats the point. not trying to be 'tongue in cheek' here, we must observe whats happening in the world, whats the mentality that we employ when faced with hardships or troubles.. WAR. this is not a secret. we think that WAR is going to 'save' us from something, dangerous or 'evil'
Depleted Uranium. LEARN ABOUT IT
Its what all the Generals are so proud of with the 'ability to tear through the armor of a tank like a knife through butter'.
We are Screwing UP OUR PLANET in the name of National Security.
THIS IS ABSURD. IRREVERSIBLE DAMAGE to the targets(cities and countries) that we toss these highly radioactive(4.5 billion year shelf life)weapons upon. This is RIDICULOUS.
Not to mention all the radiocactive waste we end up having to bury in our own yards.
This is Happening because IN WAR WE TRUST. Accept it. Canada Mines Uranium. We are helping make the Wars in Iraq a Reality, regardless of what our policy makers tell us. We only need to look to ourselves to see many different Wars being played out in our daily lives.
Are we really threatening each other to the point where we need nuclear(radioactive) Weapons to 'deal with' threats??
because thers people out there in the world that "Hate Freedom"?
Communists, Socialists, Terrorists they all Hate freedom and so the US going for the steady production of 500 new Hydrogen bombs per year. They've already got something like 15000 H-Bombs stockplied, some (like 2000)STILL poised and ready to be launched to Russia.
WHY?? that threat is long gone already right?
"never let your guard down" thats the mentality of WAR that we are TRUSTING.
Can We(the people of the world)count on the Canadian Government to Stand Up Against Nuclear Weapons, and Nuclear Power, anything that creates More Nuclear Waste(as well as Mining it for other countries to use)??
This is somehting that needs to be addressed, and it has everything to do with foreign policy, because War is offensive to ourselves and to all(foreign) life on the Planet.
We Trust War. What is War going to get us? what has it gotten us in the medical community verses germs? What has it gotten us since we went to War against Drugs? What do you think its going to give the Western World now that we've got a War on terrorism??
We Trust War like its a solution. like it can SAVE US from something that threatens us.
this is what Canadian politicians need to look at. How are We thinking?
WHAT is National Security? we need to redefine these issues. Security of WHAT.
our Economy? or our Resources.
People will still Live with a less than good Economy. People will not Live without Resources. but we go on sacrificing our ROOTS for the FRUITS and its NOT going to Sustain us!
This is what I Hope Canadian Politicians start discussing and questioning about their own position in a world full of foreigners.

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In War We Trust

Participant: fatmomma

Date: 2003-04-28 02:49:50

I agree with what you are saying. The USA is, also, seemingly lacing their ammunition wirh plutonium. They now acknowledge, this may be what vererans of the first war on Iraq are suffering from. What about the people who live in these countries?
While demanding other countries should not possess or use nuclear weapons; the Americans appear to be going ahead full steam stockpiling these world endangering weapons themselves

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